The refurbishment of a historic 1792’s building
Export has always been an integral part of George Roberts Ltd as a leading scaffolding supplier, and the renovation of the historic New Jersey Executive State House, built in 1792, was a special project. Restoring and renovating historic buildings is a large undertaking, but one that George Roberts Ltd is well versed in and passionate about.
It was in the Assembly chamber that Abraham Lincoln once addressed New Jersey legislators as the Civil War was breaking out. The New Jersey Executive State House is the third-oldest statehouse in the United States and preserving such an important part of the American history is a naturally important project.
In 2001 a preservation plan was completed to preserve and restore the executive state house however only temporary repair projects have been completed since that time.
The assembly work of fifteen (15) major building campaigns from 1792 through the 1950’s, followed by many renovations, retrofits and adaptations to meet growing needs for space.
Over the years, deterioration continued and those temporary repairs completed have reach their viability. The state of new jersey has committed to a comprehensive renovation of the executive state house including, but not limited to, exterior envelope restoration and repairs, addressing water infiltration issues, selective demolition work, life safety issues, HVAC improvements, hazardous materials removal, etc.
This comprehensive renovation and restoration shall adhere to all of the guidelines required by NJ state historic preservation office and the secretary of the interior’s standards for rehabilitation for a significant historic structure.
The Challenge
When George Roberts Ltd was appointed as the scaffolding suppliers, it was a challenge to get 18 containers of scaffolding material over to the United States in a timely manner as the comprehensive refurbishment demanded 90,000 sf of scaffolding.
Another challenge was planning 180,000 ft² of scaffolding around a complex 3-storey structure without touching the building façade. Using a system scaffold was problematic due to the structures shape, like most iconic and historic buildings there were significate twists and turns to negotiate involving balconies, bay windows, pillars and artwork that protruded outwards so the ability to use tube and fittings adaptability and get creative was critical, system requires bespoke components to negotiate obstacles whilst tube and fitting can be adapted on site using standard products.
“It was great dealing with a company that has had experience dealing with the United States and the complexity of shipping material in such quantities.” Dan Driscoll, Project Manager.

Getting shipments of over 18 containers of scaffolding material over to the United States in a timely manner.
Logistically we were involved in planning container packing in order to make the most of the space and weight available but doing so in a manner that made unloading easy and safe upon their arrival in the USA, the planning of 18 containers is no mean feat and has to be controlled and organised to the tiniest details – this includes ensuring that shipping documentation is completed correctly to prevent delays and to make sure that the commodity codes are correct so the appropriate taxes are paid upon arrival – if shipping documents are incorrect, especially in the USA, there is the potential for massive fines and the goods being held captive in the port.
We also had to ensure that the timber boards were heat treated as per US law for the import of lumber to ensure there was no infestation and stamped accordingly as per their requirements. Very complicated paperwork had to be completed to accompany timber goods in order to obtain customs clearance.
The solution
The structure was supported free standing by a large buttress structure built behind the main scaffold to provide support and stability which took away the need to drill into the building to secure ties.
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